Archive for the ‘Reference’ Category

Our Updated Japan Address and Phone Number

Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

David and Karen Gourd
西早稲田 3-17-4-417
Nishi-Waseda 3-17-4-417
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051, Japan

Home: 03-3203-9715 (From the U.S.A.: 011-81-3-3203-9715)
Cell: 090-2474-7141

Karen’s Office in Japan:
Karen Gourd, Resident Director, Japan Study
Center for International Education
Waseda University
1-7-14-404 Nishi-Waseda
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051

Tel.: 03-3203-4151 ext. 5738 (From the U.S.A.: 011-81-3-3203-4151 ext. 5738)
Cellphone: 090-2474-7141

Our Japan Address and Phone Number

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

Karen and David Gourd
Nishi-Waseda 3-17-4-417
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051

Phone: 03-3203-9715 (From the U.S.A.: 011-81-3-3203-9715)

Karen’s Office in Japan:

Karen Gourd, Resident Director, Japan Study
Center for International Education
Waseda University
1-7-14-404 Nishi-Waseda
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051

Tel.: 03-3203-4151 ext. 5784 (From the U.S.A.: 011-81-3-3203-4151 ext. 5784)

Cellphone: 00-2474-7141