Archive for May, 2006

Trip to the zoo…

I always enjoy the yearly fieldtrip to the zoo. The zoo is contained enough to allow students some freedom. The trip also allows for time to hang out and have fun with the kids. Lunch is always my favorite time!

Zoo Group Lunch

This year I enjoyed watching a 6th grade dating ritual. Without mentioning names, I’ll just say it was better than any exhibit. The whole event was initiated by the “hottie” male cruising by the female group, catching the eye of one ready-to-date female. After observing the “hottie” male pass by several times, the female called out to him, then gathered the courage to approach the male group, but only in the presence of the other females. And well, after pushing, shoving, running away, returning, and so on, phone numbers were exchanged, and to my surprise, a smooch on the cheek. And to all you sixth-graders out there who may read this, don’t take offense. I was in 6th grade once-upon-a-time-ago.  I just think it’s too cute!

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Hello world!

Well it seems I’ve finally left Eckstein. I don’t think it’s hit me yet. I was at that school for like 9 years, although only 7 paid. And for 7 years I was in the same classroom with the same desk and the same basic layout. I spent about as many hours in that room as I did in my house. When I left I tried not to look back. I just ripped the bandaid off and walked out.

I’ll have a lot of lasts during the next couple of weeks. Last time driving across the pass…last time driving my Jeep (and I really love my Jeep). And last time I will see friends and family for a while.  I’m trying not to think about it too much because while I’m nostalgic and sad to say goodbye, I also can’t wait to see my husband and begin my new life with new routines and new rooms to love.

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