Coney Island

Coney Island is in a lot of movies.  And in the movies it looks really gaudy, but even so, I had to check it out.  Our new friend Vanessa explores something new in New York once a week.  As much as my mono will allow, I’ve tried to follow her lead.  This time, we decided to go to Coney Island together.  Girts was a little concerned that, klutz as I am, I might step on a hypodermic or something, but that didn’t stop me.  And I am here today, needle free, to tell you that Coney Island is just as obnoxious as it looks in all the movies, complete with amusement rides, loud music, bright lights, graffiti, a dilapidated boardwalk, and trash everywhere.  It must have been something in its heyday, though.  I do have to say that dirty as it was, I still enjoyed going into the water and getting sunburned.  I even managed to catch a wave.  That’s saying something in the Atlantic!

Coney Island

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