
Our last day in Rhode Island was spent in Providence. We started at The Coffee Exchange, with the best coffee we’ve had since moving. Next, we drove to the mall and parked Scott and Maria’s car – I still can’t believe they let us borrow their car! Then we walked through downtown Providence, which is very old and actually quite small. It’s also very red because of the many brick buildings that line its streets. After walking through Providence we reached the river and the Riverwalk, but before setting out on the Riverwalk, we needed to fill our tummies. Plus, it was raining again. So we stopped at Hemenways for lunch. After lunch we set out on our walk, and luckily, the rain slowed to a drizzle – much more like Seattle weather!

The Riverwalk was built when Providence revitalized its downtown, I think about 10 years ago. It is beautiful. And apparently on nice summer nights gas lights that run through the center of the river are lit. That would be a sight to see.

Midway through the Riverwalk we detoured through Brown, which is just a few blocks from downtown Providence. It started to rain again as we wandered through orientation groups made up of new freshmen and their parents. It made me think of my own orientation that would be later that week. Of course, my orientation wouldn’t include a tour, just a lot of information doctoral students need to know with coffee, free food, and later in the day, wine. I guess it’s nice to be an adult student!

After escaping the rain for a short time in the Brown bookstore, we returned to downtown Providence and completed the Riverwalk. It ends near the mall and capitol building. We wandered the mall for a short time, then returned to Maria and Scott’s house, packed, and took a cab to the train station. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Providence, I definitely recommend it. It’s a beautiful little city that can be enjoyed in a day of walking.

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